About the Project:
With such a large space it was important to create elevations so when looking at the yard it didn’t just look like a sea of pavers. So we created a deck on top of the waterfall using PVC decking, there is another raised area coming out of the house, the beautiful natural armor stone wall and the addition of the pavilion giving us a 3 dimensional landscape.
Site Challenges and Solutions:
- The existing high grades, relative to the house being set low, we were able to take advantage of this and create a beautiful armor stone wall as we had to make a huge grade cut.
- Not so much a site problem as it was a promise made to the clients. They wanted a to host their annual summer party and we promised we could deliver this project complete to them in 6 weeks. At times feeling impossible dealing with permits, inspections, and materials be delivered. But in the end not only did we deliver on our promise, we came in 1 week early to surprise their daughter for her 12th birthday.
- After cutting into the grade and digging down for the pool, we revealed that there was a high-water table creating issues for constructing the pool. We had to deal with extra excavation as walls were caving in, constant pumping of water and came up with solutions on how amend the issue with extra gravel and a pump vault and literally having to cement pump in so we could constantly pump out the water.
Site Features:
- Large 40x20x10 “L” shaped swimming pool
- 6’ tall armor stone retaining wall
- 40’ long water fall with a deck created up on it.
- Pavilion
- Fire bolws on top of water fall wall
- Lighting and irrigation
- Planting