Everyone enjoys having a swimming pool on their property as an attractive backyard feature, but as a pool owner, you must ensure that it is well maintained. One of the most common issues with swimming pools in Toronto is the water getting cloudy. Cloudy pool water gives off a negative impression regarding cleanliness and maintenance. To avoid that, you must take care of cloudy pool water as soon as you spot it.
What Are The Common Causes of Cloudy Pool Water?
If you are not an expert on pool maintenance, cloudy pool water can seem like a mystery, but luckily the causes are not that difficult to figure out. Today, let us discover the common reasons that cause this issue with your pool water that you should be on the lookout for.
Filter and Pump Problems
Mechanical issues in the pool filtration system are one of the biggest reasons behind cloudy water. You could also misuse your filters, preventing the filtration system from cleaning sufficiently. It all depends on how long the filtration system runs. If your system operates for only a few hours per day, that might be the culprit behind your cloudy pool water, as it is not getting cleaned enough. But, on the other hand, if the system is working and you are facing the same problem, the filter itself could have some problems. Some common ones are broken parts, water overflow, clogged filters, or even a full skimmer basket.
Chemical Imbalance
Chemical imbalance in your pool’s pH levels is another popular reason your pool water appears cloudy. If your latest swim in the pool caused your eyes to sting or your skin to be irritated, you could be sure that you are dealing with a pH concern. What can you do if the pH is too high or too low? You will need to check the water and determine if it needs to be shocked (keep in mind pool water can be cloudy after getting shocked but will clear up in a short while)
Environmental Factors
An outdoor swimming pool is exposed to many environmental factors regularly. Common offenders are pollen, dust, trees, and even the weather and nearby construction can contribute to your cloudy pool water. But the common environmental aspect that leads up to it could often be dirt that people bring into the pool. Dead skin cells, sweat, oil, and hair, and manufactured products such as skin and hair care, are often seen as contributors.
How to Fix Cloudy Pool Water?
Cloudy pool water is often just a maintenance issue, but if left unchecked can have an impact on your health. As a pool owner, you must ensure that the pool water remains clear. Therefore, let us find out how you can fix cloudy pool water.
Fix Pool Filter and Pump Issues
To fix issues regarding the pool’s filter and the pump, you must ensure that the filtration system works for a minimum of eight hours to clear the pool properly. Failure to operate filtration systems correctly is one of the biggest reasons for cloudy water and can be easily fixed.
You also need to keep in mind the components of a filtration system. For example, you must clear out the skimmer basket and backwash the pump to prevent clogs and guarantee a healthy pool water flow. If you spot any broken or worn-out parts in the filtration system, the next best option is to contact a professional.
Fix Chemical Imbalance
Every pool owner has to deal with pH imbalance sooner or later to keep the pool running smoothly. If your cloudy pool water is due to chemical pool balance, fixing the issue is quite simple. First, you need to get a pool test kit and figure out if the pH is too high or too low, after which we can decide how to treat it.
If your pool pH is high, you must shock the pool water to balance it again. If the pH levels are quite low, you will require pool chemicals or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to make the water more alkaline.
Fix Environmental Factors
Pool owners often think that if their pool water is cloudy due to environmental factors, there is nothing they can do about it. Some of these pool issues can be curbed by installing a pool cover. But what can be done regarding dead skin cells, oils, sunscreen, makeup, and hair care getting into the pool? Fortunately, the pool clarifier solves that concern as well.
Get The Best Swimming Pool in Toronto
Do you want to get your dream swimming pool but don’t know where to look? Let us introduce you to Land-Con Luxury Pools, creators of the best swimming pools in Toronto. Land-Con Luxury Pools is a leading Toronto landscaping and pool construction company with over 25 years of expertise and knowledge. We have trained professionals, including landscaping designers and architects, who will assist in transforming your property according to your vision. We prioritize client satisfaction, which is why we offer a 5-year warranty to cover our craftsmanship to ensure you are protected. Our service regions include Toronto, Markham, Etobicoke, Vaughan, Mississauga, Richmond Hill, Hamilton, Etobicoke, Barrie, Brampton, Woodbridge, North York, and the surrounding GTA. To learn more about Land-Con Luxury Pools, contact us at 416-504-5263 or drop a mail at info@landcon.ca.